Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

Chapter 1 : Water

So on the first topic I want to tell you about one of the basics elements on earth and in living things, water. What is actually water? from Merriam-Webster's dictionary it is a clear liquid that has no color, taste, or smell, that falls from clouds as rain, that forms streams, lakes, and seas, and that is used for drinking, washing, etc. 

Water is needed in our body. Without it we cannot last more than a maximum more than 3 days. Why? Because water is like fuel to a car. If a car has no fuel it won't work same with our body and water. Water makes our metabolic system works and take out the toxic inside our body. Water also transfer the nutrition needed in our body and in our cells. It makes our skin moist and keep the temperature in our body neutral. Water is needed in the bone marrow to make new blood cells and other cells. Water is basically the center of our life.

Now, what is the properties of water?  Just like all kinds of elements, water is made of atoms. Since water is a compound made by two hydrogen and one oxygen or in chemistry H2O. Water is unique because it can change its density depending on the form. Water can also change it's form depending on what holds them. Their covalent bond is not equal. This is why water is unique.

Other than that you should also remember that water is a universal solvent. Why? because it can dissolve most substances than other liquids. It can take or carry substances where ever it needs to be taken or not taken. Water has a good chemical properties that makes it a good solvent. Example there is salt pour in water, the negatives and positive charges will be attracted to the opposite in the water particles. 

If we are taking about water then we should also talk about cohesion and adhesion in water particle What is it though? The easiest to remember them is that when water is attracted to other water it is cohesion. adhesion is when water is attracted to other substances. If you want to know more about it please just Goggle them up.

Have you ever see the dew drops in the morning or when oil is mixed with water? those things are the common examples of when the surface tension of water changes. When there are dew drops in the morning, the atmosphere tenses which makes the water tenses as well, giving them a shape of water drops. When oil is mixed with water, oil will be on the bottom , this proves their differences in tensions.

These are the things you should now about water. Make sure that your body is not dehydrated or hydrated because it could be dangerous to our body. Please drink the at least 2 jug of water everyday. It will keep us healthy and safe from sickness. Have a great day!

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