Minggu, 26 April 2015

Photosynthesis Experiment : Carbon Dioxide

Photosynthesis Experiment
“ Proving that the plants needs Carbon Dioxide”


-       Bromothymol Blue
-       3 test tubes
-       Test tube rack
-       Pondweed
-       Straw


The result of this experiment is the change of color in the Bromothymol Blue. If the color of the solution changes to dark green or dark blue, it shows that the pondweed has absorbed carbon dioxide, which proves that the plant needs carbon dioxide in photosynthesis. If the color of the solution doesn’t change, that means the plants doesn’t absorbed carbon dioxide.


1.     Cut the pondweed into 3 small parts, all on similar lengths
2.     Set aside the pondweed and prepare the Bromothymol Blue
3.     Fill ¼ of the test tube with Bromothymol blue and add water until it fulfill half of the test tube
4.     Put the straw inside the test tube and slowly blows from your mouth, this will trigger the change of color to yellow green. Be very careful to not inhale the solution
5.     Afterwards, take out the straw and slowly drop the pondweed to the solution
6.     Put the three test tubes on the test tube rack and see the color changes.
Noted that the test tubes are put in the same condition, in this case under the sun or the light.

Results and Comparison

1. The solution when it was first put bromothymol blue and water with the pondweed. Solution still has the carbon monoxide

 2. After being left for 2 days, in the shaded but still can obtained sunlight
3. Comparison between the first solution ( when it still has the carbon dioxide) and the second solution ( when the plant has already absorb the carbon dioxide in the solution)

First Solution

Second Solution

Kamis, 09 April 2015

Observed Plants in My School

Hey guys! so today, I'm going to discuss to you about what I observed in my school yard. There are 3 plants and they have their own specialties. The are also located in a different way.

Plant 1

Physical Appearances : has the mixture color of pure green, light green and white. It has a very smooth space and has an elliptical shape. It also has a smooth edge. the leave has a length of approx. 10- 15 cm wide.

Location: It was located in a pot, with a wet soil. It also placed under a big tree.  Even so, the tree can still have an access to sunlight.

Other Species: There are some insects such as ants that are spotted around the plants.

Plant 2
Physical Appearances : has the color of light green. It has a very smooth space and has a heart shape. It also has a smooth edge. the leave has a length of approx. 5- 8 cm wide.

Location: It was located in a fence. Its located in a wet-dry soil. It didn't get much sun light like the first plant. The tree is growing around the fence

Other Species: There are some insects such as ants that are spotted around the plants.


Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Genetically Transmitted Disease : Marfan Syndrome

So, the genetically transmitted disease that I found has the name of Marfan Syndrome. It is a genetic disorder in the connective part tissues. There is a change on one of the pair in Chromosome number 15, which creates Fibrillin. Our body is connected by tissues and it is made of a protein. Fibrilin genes makes a protein name Fibrillin-1. The disorder happen when it improves or create more of the fibrillin-1 to TBF-Beta.Then, there will be problems everywhere such as heart, blood vessels, bones, joints, eyes and lungs. It has the total affect on the human body, but also the human mind for they are stress of being objected in society. People who has Marfan Syndrome usually has a trait of long arms and legs,scoliosis, flat feet and has chest that sinks in or humps out. The condition of this syndrome to be pass down is by a Autosomal Dominant pattern. This syndrome also usual happen to those family who never has the history of having these syndrome. From the data I searched,both male and female can be affected and be carriers. Abraham Lincoln is one of the famous people who experienced the Marfan Syndrome. Other famous people that had this syndrome was the famous pianist, Sergei Rachmaninov , as well as the famous sportsman, Michael Phelps. Even having this disease, these people still are recognized around the world and achieved so many things. 

Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

Independent Study : Marie Curie

Marie Curie, Born in November 7 1867. She is a Nobel Price winner in the year 1911 for her discovery of Radium, Polonium, Isolating Radium, and the study of Radium Compound. She also received the Nobel Price for founding Radioactivity on the year 1903. Her dedication to science was out-standing. When she gave birth to her first daughter, Irene, she didn't stop researching about radioactivity. Then when her husband died, in her grief she still teaches at Sorbonne. As a women she also achieved many things. She is the first women who won the Nobel Price twice and in two majors , Physics and Chemistry. She is also the first women in France to become a professor and the first person who improved the use of X-Rays.Marie Curie as a mother  has achieved well, for her first daughter, following her foot-steps and received a Nobel Price in the year 1935 with her husband for the new founding of the radioactive elements. Then, at her final days, she shows her devotion to science for she still carries Radium in a test tube inside her lab coat pocket. But all of those experiment on Radiation has a great impact on her body. She past away on July 4 1934, because of Aplastic Anemia.

World Book " N.O 14",2006

Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Science in Everyday Life

For today's blog I'm going to do 5 things on my list and explain to you about.
1. Watch a spider spins its web. What techniques does it use to achieve the final shape.

Photo credit : Google

a spider has a silk glands and it is the materials that made the web itself. First a spider will produce the silk. After it has been produced the spider will make the pattern of the web from the inside to the out. After that, a spider will use it's arms and legs to help those pattern connect to each other from the outer part to the inside part.

2. Watch the sky at sunset. Which colors do you see? Which are the closest to the earth and which are the highest in the sky? How long does it take the sun to disappear below the horizon?

Photo Credit : Ruby Ishak

In the picture the colors are white, yellow, orange, purple-ish blue. The white, yellow and orange are the closest to earth, while the purple and blue color is the highest in the sky. I took about 1 hour util the sun disappear below the horizon. Looking at the time period from 5 pm - 6 pm.

3. Play a musical instrument. How does that instrument create sound? how can you change the sound it makes?

Photo Credit : Ruby Ishak

The instrument that I chose is the piano. When someone is pressing the tuts or the white blocks that existed in the piano, It will make a sound. This happens because the tuts inside are connected with a string, when we press those tuts, the tuts will hit the string . Vibration happens and created sound. You can change the sound by pressing different tuts and playing different style of chords.

4. Create heat in three different ways. Describe each process and indicate which produces the most heat with the least effort.
 The three easiest way to create heat is to rub your hands together, hug another person, and use a sweater or jacket. when you rub your hands together, it gives friction. The friction combined with the with the body heat, creates a warm situation. Same thing when your hugging another person. When two bodies stick together, both of them will give out body heat, which makes it warm. The last is using a sweater. by using a sweater, your body is trap, thus gives us the heat. this makes the easing way to create heat because you don't need friction and you don't need someone else.

5. Rub a balloon ( or a ruler in my case) on your hair in the dark ( since its a ruler I didn't do it in the dark) to watch a static electricity. Can you make the balloon ( ruler) stick to anything after it has been rub.
The ruler did create a static electricity. I rub it  on my hair and then put it on top of a piece of small paper. Then it suddenly stick to the ruler. This happens because there is an exchange in the electrons.

Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

Gene Mutation : No Pain

Have you ever watch X-Men? The interesting thing aside from the action scenes was the super power those people had. It is not impossible to have those super power, if you experienced a gene mutation. What is gene mutation you ask? Before I answer your question I will tell you about what is a gene.

Genes are a segment of DNA inside our chromosome and they are lined in pairs and sequences. Gene mutation is when one of the sequence has a change which makes a difference with the normal gene. This is why some people has super human powers like flexibility or even felt no pain.

In the other continent of the world, There is a girl named Ashlyn Blocker. She came from Patterson, GA, United State of America. Her mother was cooking noodle and she was helping her to stir those noodle in a hot water boiling pot. Her spoon fell and without thinking she just put her hands in and take the spoon. Her skin was boiling because it turns white, but she doesn't feel the pain of being burned.

This is known as CIPA or Cogenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis. It is a gene mutation connected to the neuro in our body. Now what is the connect to the Gene mutation? in our body there is the gene called NTRK1 which has the function to connect the receptor to a certain protein, very essential to the survival of one neuron. Now when a gene mutation happens, NTRK1 cannot give the proper signaling to make sure that the neuron would connect to the protein it needs. If this happens the neutron would self-destruct which makes the person with CIPA cannot feel any

Minggu, 09 November 2014

Functions of Phospolipids, Cholesterol, Glycolipids, Glycoprotein, and Proteins in Cell Membrane

Phospolipid : To form micelles surroundd by water, forming bi-layers and the permeability of one cell.
Cholesterol : it gave signal to other membranes to actually work together. It provides mechanical stability to the membranes.
Glycoproteins and Glycolipids : They form hydrogen bonds from water molecules surrounding the cells, stabilizing it. It is also work as a membrane receptor.
Proteins : providing hydrophilic channels through the bi-layer for ions and polar molecules to pass through.